Rabbi Hershel Shachter

03/28/25 - SHIUR 507 (11,040 Downloads)

The YU Settlement: Does the Torah agree to it? | How to prevent children from being left in cars

What is it?
Does the Torah agree to it?
Can we have groups in our yeshivos that we are forced to have or is it better to close down?
Do ends justify the means? Joining up with Ovrei Aveira
Is it diffrent than sitting on the Knesset or the WZO?
Should we have public forums talking about our Yetzer Hora?

12/21/23 - SHIUR 448 (26,556 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Is Israel an “occupier” of Palestinian land? Who owns “from the River to the Sea”?

Is there such a thing as the country of “Palestine”?
What are the halachic borders of Israel?
Is it mutar to give the Gaza Strip back now that Israel has retaken possession of it?
Is there a mitzvah to be buried in Israel? To make Aliyah? To exhume a body to Israel?
What does international law say about the West Bank, Gaza Strip and Golan Heights?

06/22/23 - SHIUR 424 (28,824 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Segulos – Do they really work? Are they mutar and advisable or ineffective and prohibited?

How do we judge if a segulah is valid or not?
Is the $1 given out by the Lubavitcher Rebbe meant as a segulah?
Are the red bendel (bracelet) and Schlissel Challah actual segulos or prohibited?
Is buying Kol Hanearim, Maftir Yona or Pesicha for Neilah effective?
Are there any valid segulos for parnassah, shidduchim, health, Shalom Bayis and great children?
How do fake segulos catch on? 

06/09/23 - SHIUR 422 (25,462 Downloads)

Can AI Pasken ? Will Artifical Intelligence ever replace Rabbonim?

When perfected will you be able to rely on AI for Psak?
Do you need a human mind for Psak?
Do you need a human emotion for Psak? [Is Psak dependent on the place, questioners situation etc[
Shouldn’t we rely on a computer when it’s more knowledgeable and doesn’t make mistakes?
Can a computer be מדמה מילתא למילתא?
Is knowledge enough for Psak? Can a child Pasken? Can a Goy Pasken? Can a woman Pasken? [if they knew all the Halachos]
סייעתא דשמיא in Psak – is it needed? Can a computer have it?

03/31/23 - SHIUR 414 (22,798 Downloads)

The most common Pesach Shailos answered by the world’s leading Rabbonim – Hear some new fascinating Shailos

Maos Chittim
Selling Chametz for someone who’s comatose
Siyum Bechorim on the telephone
Selling Chametz Gamur
E-Ciagrettes on Pesach
Gastric Bypass – If you can’t drink Kosos and eat Matzah what takes precedence
Lap-Band Surgery – Does the Shiur of a Kzayis switch
What can you Kasher?
Do cosmetics need a Hechsher?
How much do you have to clean?
Shiur of a Kzayis
Switching your Minhag of Gebrokts
What should you use for Maror
A Sephardi who married an Ashkenazi what do you do regarding kitnios
And much more….

06/05/21 - SHIUR 325 (27,380 Downloads)

The great Techeilis Debate – Hear from the Gedolei Hador and Gedolei Haposkim

Do we know what the Techeilis is – Is it the murex or the cuttlefish?
Are you obligated to wear it because of Safek? 

02/15/20 - SHIUR 259 (25,380 Downloads)

Yerushah and Nepotism in our Mosdos Hatorah in Halacha, Hashkafah, and History

Should sons and sons in law be the Yoresh of a Chassidus, a Yeshiva, a Rabbanus, or should the Yoresh be the most qualified to replace? When did it change in our Yeshivos? What to do in a family business? Severance pay to children, and much more…

02/04/17 - SHIUR 103 (4,572 Downloads)

Do we still love a child that has become an apikorus?, Secular studies in Mesivta – Chiyuv or Bitul Torah? | How happy and adjusted are children of single women who have elected to have a child via a sperm donor?

Is there unconditional love for child that’s an apikorus? Keep in the house or not?

Should a child prodigy go to secular studies in high school?

How happy and adjusted are children of single women who have elected to have a child via a sperm donor?

01/28/17 - SHIUR 102 (6,630 Downloads)

Revisiting our relationship with Lubavitch, Can an older single woman fearful of never getting married become a mother thru IVF?, West Bank Settlers: Putting your family in danger?

Revisiting our relationship with Lubavich

Can an older single woman fearful of never getting married become a mother thru IVF?

West Bank Settlers: Putting your family in danger or protecting our Borders? what is the Halacha?

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