Rabbi Dovid Cohen

06/09/23 - SHIUR 422 (25,446 Downloads)

Can AI Pasken ? Will Artifical Intelligence ever replace Rabbonim?

When perfected will you be able to rely on AI for Psak?
Do you need a human mind for Psak?
Do you need a human emotion for Psak? [Is Psak dependent on the place, questioners situation etc[
Shouldn’t we rely on a computer when it’s more knowledgeable and doesn’t make mistakes?
Can a computer be מדמה מילתא למילתא?
Is knowledge enough for Psak? Can a child Pasken? Can a Goy Pasken? Can a woman Pasken? [if they knew all the Halachos]
סייעתא דשמיא in Psak – is it needed? Can a computer have it?

03/31/23 - SHIUR 414 (22,768 Downloads)

The most common Pesach Shailos answered by the world’s leading Rabbonim – Hear some new fascinating Shailos

Maos Chittim
Selling Chametz for someone who’s comatose
Siyum Bechorim on the telephone
Selling Chametz Gamur
E-Ciagrettes on Pesach
Gastric Bypass – If you can’t drink Kosos and eat Matzah what takes precedence
Lap-Band Surgery – Does the Shiur of a Kzayis switch
What can you Kasher?
Do cosmetics need a Hechsher?
How much do you have to clean?
Shiur of a Kzayis
Switching your Minhag of Gebrokts
What should you use for Maror
A Sephardi who married an Ashkenazi what do you do regarding kitnios
And much more….

06/05/21 - SHIUR 325 (27,366 Downloads)

The great Techeilis Debate – Hear from the Gedolei Hador and Gedolei Haposkim

Do we know what the Techeilis is – Is it the murex or the cuttlefish?
Are you obligated to wear it because of Safek? 

12/28/19 - SHIUR 252 (42,674 Downloads)

Horror Agunah Stories – Prenuptial Agreements: Halacha, Hashkafa and Practicality – Don’t get married or allow your child to get married without listening to this program

How to insure against the horrors of divorce or being left an aguna: The new Prenuptial that has the Haskamos of Gedolei HaPoskim. Horror Agunah stories that prenups would have helped. Is it a forced Get? Do they actually work? Can it solve the Agunah crisis?

02/04/17 - SHIUR 103 (4,566 Downloads)

Do we still love a child that has become an apikorus?, Secular studies in Mesivta – Chiyuv or Bitul Torah? | How happy and adjusted are children of single women who have elected to have a child via a sperm donor?

Is there unconditional love for child that’s an apikorus? Keep in the house or not?

Should a child prodigy go to secular studies in high school?

How happy and adjusted are children of single women who have elected to have a child via a sperm donor?

01/28/17 - SHIUR 102 (6,586 Downloads)

Revisiting our relationship with Lubavitch, Can an older single woman fearful of never getting married become a mother thru IVF?, West Bank Settlers: Putting your family in danger?

Revisiting our relationship with Lubavich

Can an older single woman fearful of never getting married become a mother thru IVF?

West Bank Settlers: Putting your family in danger or protecting our Borders? what is the Halacha?

11/07/15 - SHIUR 42 (1,578 Downloads)

Discrimination and the situation in Israel today | Vaccination in Halacha | Alternative Lifestyles | Smoking in Halacha | Elana Silber of Sharsheret

Discrimination and the Situation in Israel today Vaccination in Halacha Alternative Lifestyles Smoking in Halacha Ilana Silver of Sharsheret: An Organization that helps Women with Breast Cancer

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