
12/08/23 - SHIUR 446 (24,190 Downloads)

Daas Torah In Halacha and Hashkafa

Is there a Torah idea called Daas Torah?
Can it override doctors?
Does the “Daas Torah” have to know the facts?
Can it override Shulchan Aruch?
Even if it’s not in contradiction with Halacha, must we listen to it ?
Is there such a thing as saying blanket statements without proofs that must be listened to?
Are we supposed to be using our heads?
If someone questions “Daas Torah” should he be explained the position or be branded a Kofer?
Do we believe in infallibility of Gedolim?
Can there be two “Daas Torah’s”?
Are two different people allowed to have different views, or is it my way or the highway?
How should we treat someone who disagrees with us?

09/14/23 - SHIUR 436 (25,644 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Making 5784 into “THE YEAR”

What’s your favorite Yamim Noraim devar Torah?
What’s your advice for improving ourselves?
What’s worked for you?

09/08/23 - SHIUR 435 (22,466 Downloads)

מי אנכי שאזכה להתפלל – The Halachos and beauty of Tefillah – The decorum in Shul

If a person knows that he only if he Davens everything he won’t have Kavanah & he Davens less he’ll have can he skip anything? If yes which parts can he skip?
If a person can’t have Kavanah because he doesn’t understand the language should he Daven in English?
Should a person Daven at length at the expense of learning Torah?
If a person can compose his own Tefilah is that better than davening the standard (more personal & heartfelt when coming from the composer- more than he can relate to Chazal’s Tefillos).
Where’s the source(s) of not talking during davening? If the only minyan he has is one which they talk in is it better to Daven Byechidus?
Is it better to Daven with a Minyan without a hat and jacket or B’Yechidus with a hat and jacket?
Is there any reason to daven Pesukei D’zimra with a minyan or come to Shul for Borchu? Likewise Kabbalas Shabbos with a minyan or just come for Maariv?
Someone who’s not dressed properly for Davening but if he waits until he gets his clothing he won’t have a minyan should he daven with the minyan dressed as is or wait?
Someone is on the beach with only a bathing suit and it’s getting night and he didn’t Daven Mincha and by the time he gets clothes it’ll be too late to Daven?
If someone is traveling and doesn’t have a siddur and he doesn’t remember all the words of Shemone Esrei just most can he Daven with skipping some words? (Also Tefilas Haderech)
Someone is not feeling well and is sleeping should they be woken up to say Krias Shma and Daven before the Zman?
What takes precedence if you can’t do both Tefillah BTzibbur or Krias Hatorah?
A Shul doesn’t say Tachnun for no good reason do you have to say afterwards by yourself?
That was it says in Shulchan Aruch to give Tzedaka before Davening does this include Tzedaka to non-Jews?

06/22/23 - SHIUR 424 (28,824 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Segulos – Do they really work? Are they mutar and advisable or ineffective and prohibited?

How do we judge if a segulah is valid or not?
Is the $1 given out by the Lubavitcher Rebbe meant as a segulah?
Are the red bendel (bracelet) and Schlissel Challah actual segulos or prohibited?
Is buying Kol Hanearim, Maftir Yona or Pesicha for Neilah effective?
Are there any valid segulos for parnassah, shidduchim, health, Shalom Bayis and great children?
How do fake segulos catch on? 

08/01/20 - SHIUR 283 (26,280 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Mashiach: What’s it all about?

What are we davening for? Will our personal problems go away? What are the signs of Mashiach’s arrival? Are we seeing them now? Who will be Mashiach? Could it be someone who already passed away? What does it mean to “believe” in Mashiach? What does it mean Ikvisa D’mishicha?


10/06/18 - SHIUR 189 (14,504 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Yehoshua Pfeffer

Psychology vs. Torah Hashkafah – Does it Shtim? 3 Professional Views

Are the values of modern psychology incompatible with Torah values? Should we study psychology at secular academic institutions, and rely on therapists who were trained there? What are some specific areas of conflict? How should we look at the entry of the psychological discipline into our communities and institutions?

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