Technology & Internet

01/04/24 - SHIUR 450 (26,224 Downloads)

Amazon in Halacha

Is it permissible to place an order with one-day delivery on a Friday?
If a package arrives on Shabbos, is it permissible to open and use it?
Is it permissible to make an online purchase on Friday when it is already Shabbos in the seller’s time zone, knowing the seller is Jewish?
Is it permissible to keep an Amazon account active during Shabbos and Yom Tov?

Is it permissible to leave negative reviews on products?
Is it permissible to create positive, but fictitious reviews for your own products to enhance sales?

Can one purchase items during the nine days (items like clothes and Keilim that is forbidden to buy in those days), to be delivered after tisha b’av?
Can one purchase item prior to the nine day to be delivered during the nine days?
Can one purchase items on Chol Hamoed (that are forbidden to purchase on Chol Hamoed) to be delivered after Yom Tov?
Can one purchase Chometz on Chol Hamoed to be delivered after Pesach?

Hear from the trenches – How are the Kehilos and families in Eretz Yisroel Managing

07/28/23 - SHIUR 427 (33,180 Downloads)

Jewish Influencers: The Facts The Fears The Responsibilities

What responsibility does an influencer have to do due dilgience when endorsing a product or business deal?
If an influencer didn’t do due diligence and people suffered financial loss is the influencer responsible?
Not letting people know you’re getting paid for what you’re promoting is it גניבת דעת?
Are you allowed to push people to live beyond their means or become envious?
What responsibility does someone on social media have?
Are influencers a danger to the influence of Rabbonim?

06/16/23 - SHIUR 423 (24,746 Downloads)

Subway Chokehold – Daniel Penny VS Jordan Neely through the lense of Halacha | AI Paskening II

Overreacting in self defense, is it Muttar?
Do you have have to try to be מציל באחד מאבריו when someone’s attacking you?
When unsure if someone is attacking what can you do to protect youself?
(ספק רודף)
Self defense against people who are mentally unstable – does a שוטה have a din of a rodef?
Are you חייב מיתה if you kill a שוטה?
What preventive measures can you take to protect yourself from being harmed?

06/09/23 - SHIUR 422 (25,460 Downloads)

Can AI Pasken ? Will Artifical Intelligence ever replace Rabbonim?

When perfected will you be able to rely on AI for Psak?
Do you need a human mind for Psak?
Do you need a human emotion for Psak? [Is Psak dependent on the place, questioners situation etc[
Shouldn’t we rely on a computer when it’s more knowledgeable and doesn’t make mistakes?
Can a computer be מדמה מילתא למילתא?
Is knowledge enough for Psak? Can a child Pasken? Can a Goy Pasken? Can a woman Pasken? [if they knew all the Halachos]
סייעתא דשמיא in Psak – is it needed? Can a computer have it?

02/17/23 - SHIUR 408 (23,654 Downloads)

Looking out for Shemiras Einayim – How to deal with the scourge of pornography

How to address this issue with our youth?
How to prevent it from becoming an issue?
What percent of Frum Yidden are struggling?
What should people who are struggling do?
Is this struggle unique in our generation?
How to get help on this taboo subject

12/30/22 - SHIUR 401 (23,860 Downloads)

To discuss or not to discuss – That is the Question

Should Headlines have Shiurim on sensitive issues?
Is it better to educate the public, or is it exposing Bochurim and others to things that they shouldn’t be exposed to?
Is it a lack of Tznius to discuss certain topics in public?
Is there a way to balance Tznius VS public awareness?
Does discussing certain issues promote wrong ideas?
Is it Loshon Horah to publicize allegations against a specific person or is it הצלת נפשות?
Should magazines and newspapers be running ads on these sensitive issues?

01/01/22 - SHIUR 352 (26,182 Downloads)

Living in a new world – Security Cameras everywhere

Can cameras be used for Hashgachos / Cholov Yisrael?
Do we still need on site Mashgiachim?
Security cameras around homes and shuls; does it create a problem entering / walking by on Shabbos?
Can you use a camera to monitor an elderly parent who’s in quarantine / in the hospital on Shabbos?
Can you use a nanny cam or baby monitor on Shabbos?

11/27/21 - SHIUR 347 (33,864 Downloads)

Yiddishkeit and The Modern World – should we embrace it or remain insular?

Internet – kosher phones or iphones?
Science – Should the big bang scare us?
Kosher Entertainment – Bad influence or another way to engage with our children?
Modern Clothing and Sheitels – Has Tznius gotten too lax?
Education – Secular education or just Gemara?
How have we handled modernity in the past (a historical perspective)?
Have we succeeded?

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