
02/27/25 - SHIUR 504 (17,328 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Hamas’ (and Iran’s) depravity – when our enemies know no limits: Should We? Do we need to act morally when dealing with an immoral enemy?

What does Hamas hope to accomplish with their psychological warfare?
Should we be swapping live Hamas terrorists for the bodies of captives?
Does international law or world opinion halachically govern how the IDF acts?
Do the Laws of War (e.g., avoid non-combatants) mean that you can never use a weapon of mass destruction?

You can pre-order “Halachic Q & A on the Job” at https://mosaicapress.com/product/halachic-q-a-on-the-job/

12/05/24 - SHIUR 493 (17,506 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

The new initiative to draft Chareidim into the army. Should Yeshiva boys draft into the all-Charedi “Chashmonaim” Brigade?

What are the arguments that there’s an obligation to serve in the IDF?
What are the arguments that there’s no obligation for someone learning Torah to join the army?
What if the person is not learning, but is working or doing something else?
What are the main challenges of a Chareidi boy/man joining the IDF?
Can those issues be fully addressed? What initiatives are currently under way to address the concerns?

07/18/24 - SHIUR 475 (20,410 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Assassinations and Targeted Killings in Halacha – Donald Trump, Mohammad Deif, etc.

What’s the rationale to halachically permit targeted killings of Israel’s enemies?
Is there any difference between a targeted killing during an active war and when there’s no active war being fought?
What if there’s only a 10%, 20% or 30% chance that the target is where you think he is?
Do you need to be concerned about collateral damage during a targeted killing? And, what if it could be significant?
Is there a problem celebrating when our enemies are killed?

04/05/24 - SHIUR 463 (23,388 Downloads)

Revisiting Bachurim in the IDF: Is Shevet Levi Patur from Milchemes Mitzvah? Are all Bochurim Shevet Levi?

Does Eretz Yisroel need an army or can it totally rely on Torah protection?
Do we have responsibility to serve – besides the learning protection – like we find previous generations?
The Bochurim who aren’t learning should they go to the army?
Can we have Frum battalions run according to Torah?
What’s are we going to do when the Chareidim are a majority?

03/08/24 - SHIUR 459 (28,482 Downloads)

Balancing אמונה and Service: The Haredi Dilemma in Military Conscription and Torah Study Commitment | Scaling Tradition: Reevaluating the Chazon Ish’s Conscription Exemption in a Growing Community | Study Time Required for to be מקיים והגית בו יומם ולילה

Don’t we have an Achrayus הַאַחֵיכֶם יָבֹאוּ לַמִּלְחָמָה וְאַתֶּם תֵּשְׁבוּ פֹה?
What difficulties – if any – do Frum soldiers face in the army?
What would a Frum army look like?
When a majority of Eretz Yisroel is Frum what will become of the army?
Are you obligated to learn every spare second you have?
Does it depend on someone’s health, wealth or stamina?

01/25/24 - SHIUR 453 (23,742 Downloads)

The Shulchan Aruch of war

Abortion of a fetus conceived through rape
Women tying tzitzis
Sheva brachos without the chosson or kallah
Returning home before Shabbos if one knows they will be called up on Shabbos
Returning home while one’s wife is a niddah if he doesn’t think he’ll be able to withstand the temptation to hug
A hug before a spouse leaves for battle if the wife is Niddah
Burying blood-soaked cars
Pidyon Haben when the father or kohen is not present
Shortening the taharah process for Niddah during wartime
Saying shehecheyanu when one will not light or even see Chanukah candles
Eating homemade foods sent to the front
Matzah bakery that ran into a shelter in middle of making Matzos
Running to a shelter in middle of Shemone Esrei or Krias HaTorah
Yichud in a shelter
Rewriting Kesubos for people in the North or South who evacuated their homes
A Kohein entering an Ohel Hameis for shelter during a siren

01/18/24 - SHIUR 452 (19,986 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Dealing with traumatic times – how to dig out of a rut

What’s currently causing us the most trauma? The war? The captives? Antisemitism? Something else?
What’s the implication of not getting a body back from Hamas, and therefore no Kevura and no closure?
Is hearing the news and looking at war images helpful or hurtful?
How are students from out of Israel who are studying in Yeshivos and Seminaries in Israel handling the war?
How can we turn our current plight into a growth opportunity?
Will we have “Post-Traumatic Stress” or “Post-Traumatic Growth” from the war?

01/11/24 - SHIUR 451 (20,132 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

What’s really going on in the Gaza battlefield. In Memory of Yakir and David HY”D – “Chavrusas in life, Chavrusas in death, Chavrusas in Olam Habah”

How to handle the stress of having a close relative fighting in Gaza and the loss of a loved one killed in battle.
Is there a halachic requirement that the IDF bury dead Hamas terrorists? Other Gazans?
What are the IDF soldiers experiencing? What about their parents, wives, and close friends?
Is it okay for soldiers to use the homes of Gazans without consent? Can soldiers use the food of Gazans left in their pantries and cook in their pots?
What are some of the unique halachic questions being asked by soldiers, their wives, and their families?

12/28/23 - SHIUR 449 (28,140 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Of course there should be Hakaras Hatov to the IDF soldiers. A response to a small minority who think otherwise. Does Torah-learning fully protect us, or is an army necessary?

Is Hakaras Hatov a halachic requirement, or just a nice thing to do?
Do we just feel gratitude, or do we need to say “thank you” or more?
Historically, did the Gedolim show Hakaras Hatov towards the soldiers of the IDF?
Why have a few Roshei Yeshiva said they are concerned about showing gratitude?
If Torah learning protects, why does Israel need an army?
Does the Israeli army enable those in Yeshiva to learn? Do those learning in Yeshiva enable the army to have military success?

11/24/23 - SHIUR 444 (32,952 Downloads)

Rally or not to Rally? “Chazir Treif” or Kiddush Hashem

Was the Rally in Washington correct?
In Galus do we keep our heads low, or do we try to garner support?
Do we do Hishtadlus or just Daven?
Do we join in rallies with people who don’t have the same belief system as ours?
Historically, what was the approach of the Gedolim?

11/17/23 - SHIUR 443 (23,876 Downloads)

Neturei Karta – Is Hatzalah allowed to save them on Shabbos? | Halacha Perspective on Warfare

Neturei Karta – Is Hatzalah allowed to save them on Shabbos?
Does the conflict in Gaza qualify as a מלחמת מצוה according to הלכה? In this case, is there a duty for individuals to join from distant locations? Are students from ישיבות required to participate?
Concerning unintended harm in warfare, such as civilian casualties: if a terrorist uses a taxi as a getaway vehicle, is it permissible to target the vehicle, risking the driver’s life? What is the stance on targeting buildings?
Is there a חיוב to bury terrorists according to Jewish law?
Laws of war according to the Geneva convention

11/09/23 - SHIUR 442 (25,350 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Antisemitism at Harvard and elite universities – how could such smart people be so stupid?

Where did all of the antisemitism on university campuses come from?
Should it be a concern to our community? Can anything be done?
If a student is feeling threatened, when can he take off his Kippah? Tuck Tzitzis in? Remove a Mezuzah from his front door?
What did Chazal mean when they said that it’s a “halacha” that Esav hates Yaakov?
Are there any halachic or hashkafic reasons to counter-protest?

11/02/23 - SHIUR 441 (23,832 Downloads)

Prisoner Exchange in Halacha | Hear from a brother of one of the hostages

Are you permitted to pay for captives more than their worth?
Are you allowed to release terrorists in exchange for prisoners?
Can you put other people’s lives in Sakanah to save a life?
How many more deaths were caused historically by terrorosts released by prisoners swaps?
Can you wage war to save hostages at the expense of more lives than the ostages themselves?

10/27/23 - SHIUR 440 (24,186 Downloads)

Guns in Shuls | Burying the Kedoshim – Hear from the front lines

How are the Kedoshim being buried
Should we train people in every Shul to carry guns ?
Should there be armed security guards in Shuls and schools?
Are guns Muktza?
Are you allowed to carry a gun in a place that doesn’t have an Eruv?
Is it against the Torah hashkafa to carry a gun?
What message would carrying guns give over to children?
How do carry weapons in Shuls responsibly

10/19/23 - SHIUR 439 (27,436 Downloads) Hosted By: Rabbi Ari Wasserman

Israel at War – Halachos of warfare, “collateral damage,” prisoner swaps, refusing medical treatment to terrorists, and much more

Sign up here to learn Mishnayos (בלי נדר) for the soldiers, injured and captives, by the 10th of Kislev, November 23rd
Mishnayos audios available here

Do we need to worry about “collateral damage” when bombing Gaza?
Can a Jewish doctor refuse to treat an injured terrorist?
What does halacha say about having a death sentence for terrorists?
Are prisoner swaps permitted, if Israel exchanges many more prisoners than it receives?
How can we process the trauma we are experiencing?
What can we do to be there for families directly affected?

10/13/23 - SHIUR 438 (24,508 Downloads)

עת צרה היא ליעקב וממנה יושע – The Torah outlook and our responsibility

Should we be sending our Bochurim to Yeshivos and our daughters to seminaries in Eretz Yisroel?
Can a Doctor go to Eretz Yisroel to help the war effort
How can we help the war effort from America?
How should we act in such times?
How do we show empathy with the Yidden in Eretz Yisroel
Should we be toning down our simchas and lifestyle in general?
How should we improve?
How are the Yidden in Yerushalayim dealing with the situation?
Words of Chizzuk
The Torah view on the situation
And much more……

07/29/22 - SHIUR 381 (25,898 Downloads)

The Warsaw Ghetto – The Uprising: Was it Halachically sanctioned? Hear from the grandson of Reb Menachem Zemba’s lookout

The history of the ghetto
Is it a form of Kiddush Hashem to go down fighting rather than getting killed passively?
Are you allowed to resist when you technically won’t win: Is it a form of suicide?
Are you causing others to get killed?
The controversy surrounding Reb Menachem Zemba’s view
Are leaders obligated not to abandon their flock or do thet have to leave to save their lives?

03/25/22 - SHIUR 364 (26,246 Downloads)

UKRAINE – NAZI GERMANY: Do we hold on to last generations atrocities, or do we let go? | REB CHAIM KANIEVSKY ZT”L, Hear from the inside

Do we Daven for their success or do we remember…
The massacres: The Cossacks ת”ח ות”ט , Massacre of Uman 1768, Odessa Pogrom 1821, 1851, 1871, 1905, Kiev pogrom 1881, 1905, Mass killing of Jews during Russian civil war 1918-1923.Collaboration of Ukrainians with the Nazis killing 900,000 Jews during World War II – Massacres and mass shootings of: Bila Tserkva, Odessa, Babi Yar, Dniepropetrovsk, Drobytsky Yar, Feodosiya, Ivano-Frankovsk, Kamenets-Podolskiy, Klevan, Lviv, Lwów professors, Mezhirichi, Mizoch, Nikolaev, Olyka, Pliskov, Terebovl, Zhytomyr
Would you buy a Mercedes or BMW?
The Germans killed out half of the Jewish people…
Are grandchildren accountable for their grandparents’ sins?

Reb Chaim Kanievsky Zt”l: Hear personal stories from inside his house

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